City of Houston Proclaims September 3rd Patrice Griffin Day
This article appeared in the Metropolis Newspaper
Patrice Griffin, Photo: Katrina King
Mayor Sylvester Turner Commends Child Advocate for Dedication and Loyal Service
Houston–On September 3, 2021, Mayor Sylvester Turner gave child advocate Patrice Griffin her own day. The new Patrice Griffin Day is one of only six proclamations the city of Houston declares in a given year.
Patrice Griffin, a native of New York, founded her nonprofit, Patrice’s Kids, in 2018 to help homeless children and children removed from their homes because of abuse. Patrice’s Kids also educates adults on the ever-present dangers of predators and child sexual abuse.
A survivor herself, Patrice remembers being homeless and sleeping on subway cars to stay warm in New York winters. She has dedicated her life to help as many children as possible avoid the harms she suffered as a child.
The book she wrote on her experience, The Unconscious Community, moves readers to tears as they feel her trauma and then celebrate her victories. Patrice openly discusses how the path to healing can be a painful process. “Healing takes time. Healing takes work. It is up to us to get the help we need. Celebrate your victories and be patient with yourself. I promise you, it is worth it.”
Her work has not gone unnoticed.
After relocating to Houston, Patrice made a small circle of friends. One of whom, Nicole Jefferson, sent a package to Mayor Turner’s office full of news clippings and pictures of Patrice in action.
It surprised Patrice when she received an email from the mayor’s office inviting her to city hall to receive her proclamation. Scheduling did not permit Mayor Turner to be there, but his staff and Houston Police Chief Troy Finner were there to congratulate her.
WHEREAS, the Houston area is wonderfully enriched by dedicated individuals whose compassion and selflessness have improved the quality of life for so many people. Opportunities abound for area residents to exemplify their spirit of caring and compassion for others. Houstonians from every age group and every walk of life responsibly serve our community by performing good deeds and protecting the innocent; and,
WHEREAS, Patrice Griffin, a disabled United States Army veteran, is a staunch defender of children and has made it her mission to give back to the community. She has worked to change legislation that extends the statute of limitations on sexual predators and the time required for victims to come forward. She advocates alongside other survivors such as former New York State Senator candidate Gary Greenberg, who spearheaded the push for the Child Victims Act; and,
WHEREAS, in 2018, she started her own nonprofit organization, Patrice’s Kids, that focuses on raising awareness of child sexual abuse. As a survivor of child sexual abuse, she understands what it takes to resonate with survivors and help them heal. Patrice’s Kids also hosts events for children living in the system and single mothers who are unable to provide gifts for the holiday season. At one Christmas celebration, the organization partnered with other nonprofits to provide scooters, bicycles and new sneakers to over 300 children; and,
WHEREAS, on September 3, 2021, Patrice Griffin will be recognized for her tireless contributions to the community. In recognition and appreciation of her dedication and loyal service to the community, the City of Houston commends and appreciates Patrice Griffin’s great compassion and kindness in her efforts to protect as many children as possible from abuse.
THEREFORE, I, Sylvester Turner, Mayor of the City of Houston, hereby proclaim September 3, 2021, as
Patrice Griffin Day
Patrice’s Kids
in Houston, TX.
Patrice’s Kids just had a backpack drive for kids returning to school. Click here if you would like to donate to her upcoming Holiday Drive. All donations are tax deductible.
Patrice’s book, The Unconscious Community, is available on Amazon and all other book retailers. Metropolis